Women’s Mastermind With ownYOUnity

Women’s Mastermind With ownYOUnity

For Women Who Want to Live a Life Full of Energy and Happiness

Do you often think about how to resolve your current situation in the best possible way?

The women’s mastermind with ownYOUnity helps you discover what it means to be in a resourceful state by connecting with yourself on a deeper level.

We spend a lot of time in our minds trying to figure out solutions, but it drains our energy as we uncover more unanswered questions and feel frustrated when things don’t progress.

You’re tired of figuring out everything alone, the personal development journey feels a little lonely, and now you look to surround yourself with a small community of women who can relate and are also looking to grow.

You’re ready to focus on YOU and make big changes to your life. This is your moment to make it happen!

When You Join My Mastermind…

We’ll go on a journey together from lacking energy with no idea how to get out of the spiral of negative thoughts to abundance and happiness in every aspect of life. Expect to:

Develop connections with other women on a similar journey as you get to know each other throughout this process.
Contribute to the group by sharing your experiences. This is a safe space where you can talk about your challenges, share your learnings and gain insights from others.
Learn from my experiences and knowledge as an integral coach. I’ll present different topics which cover our mind, body, soul and emotions, which we must address to achieve a positive state.
Hold each other accountable, so we can move forward together much more quickly.
Celebrate your wins no matter how big or small they are.

An Overview of the Mastermind

1 x 60-90 minute group call per week for three months

Online via Zoom

Limited to 8 spaces

Mastermind including 1 x 1-1 coaching during three months

2500 CHF


Mastermind including 1 x 1-1 coaching per month

2955 CHF


Ready to join?

Complete the below application form, so I can find out more about you, and if we’re a good fit, I can’t wait to welcome you!